In caricamento...

Lostandfound Studio

Рим, м. Malatesta (MC) (16 minuti on foot)
150 m2
200 guests
BYOB, self-catering
Без депозита

On-site equipment and services

Open bar
avg. 3 drinks per guest , 400 Guest
15,00 /Guest
Impianto audio
Sound system
Prodotti per l'illuminazione
Lightning equipment
Cucina (vedi foto)
150,00 /Day
Start booking and get total price of every service according to rental time and number of guests.

Venue specifications

Edificio per uffici
150 m2
200 persone
0.00 m
Floor: 4
Parcheggio vicino all'edificio
Вход без документов без согласования
Si può fumare fuori

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0 reviews
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Owner about venue

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